No Return Policy As Apptoo Inc. exclusively offers digital services, we do not accept returns on any services provided.

Refund Policy Refunds may be issued for unused portions of prepaid retainers. If hours remain unused on your retainer, a percentage of the remaining balance may be refunded at our discretion. Other than this provision, no refunds will be provided for any services rendered.

Damages and Issues If you encounter any issues with the services provided, such as defects or errors, please contact us immediately at [email protected] so that we can evaluate the situation and take appropriate action.

Exceptions / Non-Refundable Services Due to the nature of our business, no refunds or returns are applicable to:

  • Fully utilized retainer hours
  • Custom or completed digital services
  • Sale or discounted service packages

European Union 14-Day Cooling-Off Period While our services are digital and non-returnable, customers in the European Union may have the right to cancel their purchase within 14 days of the transaction, provided that no service work has been initiated or delivered. Once work begins, this right is considered waived. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss any applicable concerns.

Contact Us For any questions regarding this policy or to request a refund for unused retainer hours, please email us at [email protected].

Apptoo Inc. is committed to providing high-quality digital services and transparent communication. Please reach out to our team for further clarification on our policies.